Thursday, 12 February 2015

Where I am right now

It's 6 months now since I started on insulin. My Hb1ac has come down from 13.5 at diagnosis, to 9.6 last October and  8.4 just recently.  I am disappointed that my BS has not come down further.  

I am trying to eat a low carb diet and have eliminated potatoes, bread, pasta, rice and cereals completely from my diet.  I estimate I eat about 50g carb per day from milk and vegetables.  I exercise regularly at the gym, and am trying to walk every day.  The gym usually increases my BS by 3 or 4 , but walking and gardening tend to decrease my BS.

My BS readings are generally above 7 during the day, usually between 7 and 10.  I have increased my insulin and now take 10 units in the morning and 12 units with evening meal.  But I still get hypos!   For example, this week I have been working in the garden for about 1 hour at a time.  I always eat a muesli bar or something similar before gardening, but I still hypo'd.  Yesterday I did Pilates at the gym, then gardening, having eaten 2 muesli bars and had a latte coffee.  I even had a little bit of bread with my soup at lunchtime.  I hypo'd in the night 3.1, and treated it with a 1/3rd bottle of lucozade.  I woke up with 4.3 (quite happy because I usually overtreat!) and after eating a no-carb breakfast of poached egg, 1 rasher of bacon, mushrooms and tomato had BS of 12.3!!!  I did have a cup of tea on waking with milk and a coffee after my breakfast again with milk.  Could it be the milk spiking me?  I'll have to experiment and not have milk for a couple of days.  I've been trying not to take so much milk and have a splash of cream in my coffee sometimes.

I lost 2 stone before diagnosis, and have managed to keep it off until just recently.  I've put on about 5lbs.  Maybe this is a good sign, and that I am beginning to control my BS.   But, I'm fed up with that and don't want to put any more weight on!

I'm off on a big holiday in 2 weeks time, and am quite apprehensive about how I am going to cope with the long haul flights and time differences with my diabetes.

I'm pretty fed up with having to watch what I eat and worrying about hypos.  Plus the worry that I have had high BS for a long time now and how that might affect me in the future.  I hate this disease!  One thing that might make it easier is to switch from mixed insulin to basal/bolus and I'm going to ask after I get back from holiday - I thought it would be easier to just have the 2 injections per day for the holiday.

Sorry for the long post!