I am interrupting my story to record how awful today has been! I was out for dinner last night at a thai restaurant. I did my research before we went and decided to have a thai stirfry in oyster sauce. I even looked up the amount of carbs in oyster sauce (11g in 100g of suace if you are interested) I wasn't sure how much oyster sauce I would get in a portion of stirfry but decided it was the best on the menu. I also had a small glass of dry white wine. I avoided the prawn crackers, just having 1. That was hard, I love prawn crackers!! My portion of stirfry was very tasty but not enough. I ended up eating mine far before my friends had finished theirs! It would have been wonderful with lashings of white rice, but that looked like poison to me, as I knew it would spike my blood sugars really high. The restaurant poured us a small glass of Baileys which I am afraid to say I did drink.
So I did feel hungry when I went to bed, but blood sugars were 11, so I just had my low fat hot choc which has a carb content of 3g per serving. At 5.20am I awoke feeling really weird! Of course, it was the one night I had forgotten to take my meter upstairs with me! A trip to the loo and then downstairs for my meter, blood sugars 3.3, eeek! I ate about 5 glucose tablets and tested again a few minutes later. I also ate a fruit muesli bar. After about 15 mins or so I began to feel better and went back to sleep.
I stayed in bed a bit longer as I had had the hypo in the night. BS 12, only to be expected. So I decided to go for a walk after breakfast of 1 poached egg on small slice of sourdough bread. I took my usual 10u insulin after I had eaten. I usually try and take it just before I eat, but isn't it funny, I can be reading the diabetes forum and still not remember to take my insulin! After I got back from the walk BS were 11.2, so I drunk a bulletproof coffee (1tsp coconut oil and 1tsp butter)and decided not to have a snack with it. I went back outside to fill the green bin. The walk or the gardening were hardly arduous exercise! But then when I came back in my BS had crashed down to 3.6 and I felt dreadful! I drank some lucozade, tested again 5 mins later 10.5, which may have been a rogue reading, as I tested again 4.3, but still felt awful, so waited another 5 mins, BS back down to 3.2. After another swig or 2 of lucozade, my BS started to rise. Phew! But I felt bad for quite some time, sort of shaky, anxious, and a bit nauseous. I went upstairs to have a shower. I must admit to having visions of me collapsing in the shower and the kids coming home to the not-such-pretty sight!
I made my usual salad and cheese lunch but had a cup-a-soup with it. They are about 14g carb, and of course really fast acting. 1 hour later my BS was 19.4! I went to CAB, but really didn't feel very with it, I seem to have ended up with massive brain fog after 2 hypos in quick succession. I'm guessing it's the fast rise of BS that makes me feel so rough.
So why the hypos? The wine? but it was only 1 small glass. Not enough to eat? Maybe. Maybe not enough carbs in dinner. The exercise this morning? Obviously, that contributed to today's hypo.
It is very scary having a hypo, especially when I don't start to feel better quickly. And I always seem to over treat, so have a massive post-hypo rise in BS which cannot be good and must make me feel worse.
Now what I do about tonight and tomorrows insulin? Shall I take less? I think I will drop by 2 u for both tonight and tomorrow. Bet that means I'll have higher BS tomorrow, sigh!
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